
Energy Insider Blog

Energy Procurement: Benefits of Strategic Sourcing

Posted by Alberto Rios on Jul 1, 2013 10:32:00 AM

As business has become increasingly competitive, the importance of controlling costs wherever possible has increased as well.  In various parts of the country, one area of potential cost control involves energy procurement.  While the opportunity to control energy costs exists, understanding this opportunity and capitalizing on it requires careful analysis and planning.

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Topics: energy risk management, Acclaim Energy Advisors, energy management consulting, energy, energy procurement, energy regulations, energy management

Energy Management Update: Water Shortage Could Stall Fracking

Posted by Dennis Vegas on Jun 11, 2013 12:37:00 PM

Typically, discussions about drought conditions center on the impact a lack of rain has on agriculture; however, water and drought conditions have a significant impact on the energy sector as water is used for cooling purposes in power plants and the lack of water can negatively impact generation, creating stress on the electric grid during periods of high demand.  While the impact of water on power plant output has been understood for years, the explosion in fracking has added another pressure point on the water supply.

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Topics: energy risk management, energy management consulting, energy procurement, natural gas, energy management


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